Licence For Mac

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I just obtained off a very long and extremely frustrating cell phone call with Apple company assistance. I bought a utilized Apple pc which came installed with Hill Lion.

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When I try to activate Office 2016 for Mac it keeps asking me to login to my Microsoft Account. When I do so, it keeps telling me I do not have any licenses purchased! How do I activate with the 25 char key I got from the MSDN subscription? Use MAC address for license. Ask Question. Up vote 4 down vote favorite. One of my company product need to implement a license mechanism. I'm planing to generate a key base on users PC MAC address. But I'm bit scared is this method confuse with some advance hardware. Configurations such as. I've use MAC-based licensing (as a user and a.

Meaning that the personal computer was delivered by Apple company with Hill Lion set up, and obtained by me with that exact same set up. As a precaution, I tried to reinstall Mountain Lion via Recuperation mode. This hit a brick wall because my Apple ID hasn'capital t purchased Mountain Lion. Apple company was adamant that because l didn't purchase the computer brand-new, I wear't possess a license for Operating-system A. I wear't think this will be proper, or actually legal.

This means that anyone using a used computer is doing so illegally, unless they've bought a independent OS permit. Am I course of action off-base right here? I'm pretty certain I today 'have' a duplicate of Mountain Lion, and Apple is certainly in the wrong. If this is usually appropriate, what are usually my options?

The realtor should get low comments. The permit to Mountain Lion transfers with the computer when it is usually marketed. The realtor should have told you that no Apple company ID can be required to download another copy of the instaIler since the system prompts you to send the serial amount for verification. Right now, you wear't obtain a license to the Mountan Lion upgrade to install on some other computers. That is definitely software program you purchase individually from a computer and that is linked to one Apple company Identity and is not really transferable.

(like everything else sold from the App Shop) The one situation where you wear't get Mountain Lion is certainly if the device delivered from the manufacturing plant with Lion but was sold with a 'free upgrade' to Hill Lion. This could happen in the home window between when they announce the fresh Operating-system to when it's launched or on Mac pc that are usually imaged in the manufacturing plant before Mountain Lion had been launched, but offered after the launch. In that situation, Apple have a free of charge payoff of the upgrade to the first Apple Identity to receive it.

The just permit that would transfer would be Lion and not really Hill Lion. My encounter was not as bmike said. I simply erased my MBA SSD and selected the Reinstall OS X option in preparation to sell the MBA. I have several Apple company Identification's and I selected one that experienced never purchased Lion. It would not really permit the download of the OS for reinstall.

So I changed to an Apple company Identification that experienced bought Lion for a older computer and it had been permitted to download. But the truth is definitely, this computer emerged with Lion pré-installed and l should not require to have got bought Lion individually in reinstall it. Frequently OS permit are not really transferable. You would have to examine the EULA to be sure. The Operating-system that arrived with the system is nearly all most likely what would become allowed. Did the previous owner give you any program devices?

Any upgrades they bought wouldn't be transferable since yóu can't exchange buys between AppleIDs. Nearly all most likely you will require to purchase Mountain Lion under your AppleID after that you will be capable to install it on your new program. How very much will be your time and aggravation worth? Mountain Lion is certainly only $20 and it will become functional on all your computers.

Bmike'h comment will be very helpful to understand. I have got a minor deviation on the question. If I buy a second hand Macintosh Mini Server, there seems to end up being no issue doing an Web install of the version of OS X that came with it (Hill Lion).

Nevertheless, as a machine, it would initially have got the OS X Machine app. I have just had a discussion with Apple company Support about this. They said the Machine app is definitely certified to the authentic proprietor and will not proceed with the device.

This appears inconsistent. Can be the app installed as the machine happens, or perform you possess to downIoad it from thé App Shop? For the other case, I can find it would be licensed to the Apple ID used to down load it. If it was on the device in the container, it should be capable to end up being moved with the OS licence.

Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me troubleshoot an activation mistake with Mac Office 2016. This error should not really occur. My firm offers an Open License/Volume License agreement and I downloaded the 'MicrosoftOffice2016VolumeInstaller.pkg' from the Microsoft Quantity Licensing Provider Middle (VLSC). I have upgraded 7-8 customers from Workplace 2011. The upgrade procedure I adopted can be: - Install Workplace 2016 - Open up each 2016 application and configure choices - When opening each program, I miss the 'Sign In' display since we aren't needed to power up Office 2016, nor for Workplace 2011 - Update each 2016 application to current version - Import Perspective 2011 email into Perspective 2016 - Delete the Microsoft Workplace 2011 application and Microsoft Consumer Data folders. For one consumer, I left Office 2011 intact on their Mac pc. I'll spare the reasoning.

In any case, this particular user was motivated to 'Activate Workplace to Create and Edit' documents. The just repair, at minimum for today, was to remove the Workplace 2016 programs and any preferences I could find, and reinstall Office 2016 again. Why was I prompted to activate Office when I used the MicrosoftOffice2016VolumeInstaller.pkg (no license key required)? - Could leaving Office 2011 on their Mac be the trigger? - if this happens again, will be right now there a fix various other than deleting and reinstalling Workplace 2016?

If even more info is usually needed, make sure you advise. Don't dismiss this thread and move on. I feel certainly some MVPs with better knowledge might supply the correct region to question your question.

This is certainly component of the Response Discussion board and is usually generally populated with fellow customers such as yourself ánd myself, with few MVP's sprinkled, and not generally Business related. We answer generally private use queries and some Academics/Student related.: I would believe you would have to obtaining in contact with 'Support for Company/volume licensing' for this concern. It'beds even feasible that you may possess to.

completely eliminate all traceas of both Workplace 2011, and 2016, after that set up 2016 per appropriate procedure. After that purchase a brand-new old share duplicate of the standalone edition of Office 2011 House/Business.(Amazon does/did saIe old new stóck Software for peopIe interested.).

Then, up-date to latest version (14.5.8 at this writing) for that one machine. With the present condition of matters with Workplace 2016. It'h a good idea to keep at minimum one computer in your company loaded with Office 2011. It may take a season or two fór 2016 to come back up to degree of 2011. For Mac anyway upward to this point Workplace 2011 (in specific, Word, Excel and PowerPoint), can be the best ever version Workplace Microsoft provides ever place out. And may really go down in history 20-30 decades from today, As the very best Mac edition ever developed. My Most favorite though if insects could have been taken out, and made usable making use of intel devices.

I would have to say of all Workplace versions I've actually utilized since 1995 would have to become Office 2004. It has been composed before all this trend about Ribbons and tab which to me has spelled a downward spin out of control. I suppose I have always been one of these folks stuck in the last. I think a Personal computer should become utilized like a personal computer with menus and submenus and not really like a video game system or as a internet browser.

To me the ribbons and tab actually impede me down,gét in my way, as I have always been constantly having to choose what ribbon tabs to click to obtain to the procedure I desire to do. I have hard enough time dealing with one application and make use of one issue at a time. Having the capability to possess 8 or 10 points open at one period doesn't equate with efficiency for me. Even today, if I can obtain to what I desire to perform through the main choices, I do that, and avoid switching tabs when probable. Disclaimer: The queries, discussions, opinions, replies answers I generate, are exclusively mine and mine alone, and perform not reflect upon my place as a Community Moderator. If my remedy has helped, mark appropriately - Helpful or Reply Phillip Meters. Jones, C.E.Testosterone levels.

Attention, Internet Explorer User Statement: Jive has discontinued support for Web Explorer 7 and below. In order to provide the best platform for ongoing technology, Jive simply no longer supports Internet Explorer 7. Jive will not really perform with this edition of Internet Explorer. Please consider updating to a more recent edition of Web Explorer, or trying another web browser like as Firefox, Safari, or Google Chromium. (Make sure you keep in mind to recognize your business's IT procedures before setting up new software!).